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Khichdi - A Simple & Easy Recipe For Ayurveda's Comfort Food | A Deliciously Appetizing Tridoshic Delight! | Dosha Pacifying Foods
Khichdi is a beloved comfort food in Indian cuisine, celebrated for its simplicity, nourishing qualities, and versatility. This one-pot dish

Soothing Cauliflower & Broccoli Soup for Pitta Dosha | Pitta Pacifying Foods
Pitta is characterized by qualities of heat, intensity, and transformation. When imbalanced, it can lead to irritation, inflammation, etc

Light & Spicy Red Lentil Soup for Kapha Dosha | Kapha Pacifying Foods
Kapha is characterized by qualities like heaviness, slowness, and coolness. A Kapha-pacifying diet aims to stimulate digestion, increase war

Delightful Butternut Squash Soup For Vata Dosha | Vata Pacifying Foods
When Vata is imbalanced, you might experience symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, dry skin, and digestive issues. This soup aims to nourish and
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