Pippali, one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs, is warm in nature. It is not too hot, nor too cold. It is used to pacify diseases and disorders primary stemming from an imbalance of Vata or Kapha Dosha.
It’s main taste is Katu or Pungent, so in excess, it may be harmful to Pitta Dosha conditions, such as Ulcers, Burning sensations throughout the body, Stomatitis etc.
However, due to its warm, unctuous nature, it is used very often as an appetizer. It improves the function of the digestive system and helps to break down toxic matter known in Ayurveda as Ama. It is used in combination with Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger and Cumin, to boost the appetite.
Pippali when applied locally, acts as an analgesic. It also alleviates Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Colic, Pain, and Liver or Splenic conditions, such as Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly.
It’s blood purifying qualities, help the circulatory system function to its optimum, and though it is warm in nature, it is often used with Ginger to treat bleeding.